Reception – A special trip to the beach

Reception have been busy preparing themselves not only for their huge performance of Commotion in the Ocean but also for moving up into Year 1, Sports Day and their school trip to Caversham Beach. What an extremely busy and exciting way to end their amazing year in Reception.

The children have been learning all about life under the sea this half term and thought that having their end of year performance based around The Commotion in the Ocean would be a fantastic idea. They have all been working hard to learn their lines and have been practising the songs. We’ve got jellyfish, angelfish, polar bears and lots more. We are certain that the parents will enjoy watching all of the hard work of the children.

Once again, Sports Day proved to be a resounding triumph as the children showcased their utmost efforts in throwing, jumping, and running. To enhance the overall excitement, a delightful addition was the dressing up race, where the children concluded with striking a pose.

Reception really enjoyed finding out who their new classes and new teachers will be next year after spending the morning being Year 1’s and finding out more about what life will be like for them from September. It all sounds super exciting and the children are more than ready to conquer a new year. Our final trip of the year was to Caversham Beach where the children enjoyed paddling in the water and playing games in the sand. A lovely treat for the children, after a very busy and hardworking year.

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Whole School Open Morning-Saturday 1 March, 10am 

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