
About Reception

Reception at Gateway School ensures a seamless transition from Preschool to more structured learning, maintaining a playful approach to discovery and education. Our curriculum blends planned, purposeful play with a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities, gradually introducing more structured teacher-led sessions. The environment is nurturing, aimed at fostering self-confidence and social skills through personalised support from dedicated teachers.


Reception marks the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, focusing on seven key areas of development:

  • Prime Areas: Communication and Language; Physical Development; Personal, Social, and Emotional Development.
  • Specific Areas: Mathematics; Literacy; Understanding the World; Expressive Arts and Design.

Communication skills are honed through varied interactive activities, promoting respectful engagement and confidence in public speaking.

Our bespoke phonics program supports essential reading and writing skills that are integrated into daily activities across all learning areas.

We prioritise a practical approach to our Mathematics that enables children to develop their numeracy skills through problem-solving activities.

Physical activities include four weekly PE sessions, delivered by our team of sports teachers and swimming lessons are introduced in the summer. Fine motor skills are developed through activities like painting, cutting and using playdough.

Additional enriching experiences include:

  • Music: Weekly, fun lessons with our music specialists, expand musical understanding and skills through singing and instrument play.
  • Art: Children explore various artistic techniques in our art room, using different materials to create artwork that ties in with their current studies.
  • Modern Foreign Languages: Introduces children to new languages and cultures through engaging activities focused on basic vocabulary.
  • Outdoor Learning Part of each week is spent outdoors, integrating academic learning with exploring the natural world.

Want to know more?

If you are interested in a place at Gateway School and would like to know more, please fill out and submit the enquiry form here and someone will contact you to arrange a visit or provide you with more details.

If you would like to register your child  for a place at Gateway School, please fill out the registration form here.

Upcoming Events

Whole School Open Morning-Thursday 12 November, 09:30am 

To register your interest for our next open morning or Preschool event or to arrange a private tour of the school with our Headteacher, please fill out the form below to book your place and we will be in touch shortly.